Welcome to Newbie's first blog...

Who is Newbie? The surprise growing in my belly, of course. We chose to leave the sex of the baby a surprise until delivery, in order to rejoice in the thrill of "It's a ....!!!!"

We're open to guesses, tricks and old wives tales, tarot readings, anything but the sonogram that reveals the secrets of Newbie's nether regions.

Monday, March 30, 2009

But why...?

That is a question I often get when I tell people that we're planning on a natural childbirth for Newbie. "Why? when you have the option of NOT being in pain?" Either that or a "good luck" or a "more power to you, but that's crazy." Not EVERYONE is dubious of this choice, mind you, but maybe it begs some explanation.

No, it's not because I'm a no-drug, no-anesthesia loon. And no, it's not because I'm a bra-burning "I am woman hear me roar" type of gal (though after I go through it, I may become one, so watch out). It's a bit more complicated than that. It really comes from not wanting this birth experience to be a "medical" one and wanting it to be a "natural" one. Natural in the sense that this is a normal experience, not something that is a condition for which I need treatment.

But as we've been going through our Bradley Childbirth classes (and here's a link if you want to know about that: http://www.bradleybirth.com), I've also started to desire a level of consciousness of the experience. I believe that a natural birth will allow me to be PRESENT during the process. Yes, it will hurt. But I won't be hooked up to a monitor with an IV in my arm and a catheter both in my spine and in my nether regions. I will be able to move around. I'll be free. Who knows...I may get a bit of the animal instinct and do crazy things like squat or be on all fours.

Crazy? Hardly--it's how women have given birth for centuries until the medical profession decided that it was easier for THEM if a woman delivered a baby on her back. I think those doctors skipped out on their physics classes and have forgotten that gravity is actually a universal law. Being on your back is not likely to bring a baby DOWN. I learned that birthing chairs (they look like broad-bottomed toilets, but without the water bowl beneath) were common practice until the late 19th century. Take a look at this picture of a chair, a feature of a Science Museum in London. Hmm....sitting in a chair is awfully close to squatting--just easier on the legs.

But being PRESENT is something I also associate with yoga. Yoga is not about escaping the body, tuning out sensations, and just getting a workout (though I've been to some yoga classes done to rock music that would certainly make you think so). It's about tuning IN to the body, listening and feeling for sensations that might have another message associated. A good yoga practice should feel like cherishing your body as well as exploring its limits. With a natural birth, I feel there is more respect for the body and what it can do. Rather than conquering the body, numbing it from the waist down, I am willing to try to let my body conquer my mind.

Our choice has also been driven by where we've chosen to have the birth--a Birth Center, where certified nurse midwives manage all of the prenatal care and are the actual people delivering the baby. No "maternity ward" with shift-changes and doctors on and off call. But real women who only deliver babies for a living and who have lots of tricks up their sleeves for letting a birth happen. Here's an interesting fact--the true emergency c-section rate in the world is about 1 percent, whereas the c-section rate at the hospital where I would have given birth is 50-60 percent. I think I've just defined "medical intervention."

Okay...I'm ranting and I haven't even gone through this yet. I'll be the first to call myself a hypocrite if the experience goes south. But I guess I just wanted to clear the air on the whole "why natural" question.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A resemblance to...

...Alfred Hitchcock?

Well, that's a bit what Newbie looked like in the sonogram we had yesterday. We needed to confirm that Newbie was indeed head down (and that's what we found), but it gave us a chance to take a peek in on the babe during these last few weeks. It's really hard to see anything when the baby is so big at this point, but Newbie happened to be awake and alert...and doing a bit of thumb-sucking!!

Why Hitchcock? Well, if you think of the film-maker's famous profile, it's a bit easier to make out the features of Newbie's face...the cheeks, nose, and where the hand is covering the nose (Newbie sucks thumb open-handed, apparently). Take a look:

We've already speculated as to whether this means Newbie will be a thumb-sucker outside of the womb, but we prefer to think this means that s/he will be a self-soother with a healthy suckling instinct.

But really...wow...that was really fun to watch, and made it all the more real how...well...REAL this is!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


...mine, not Newbie's :)

We celebrated my last birthday pre-mom-hood with my parents at Rise, a French restaurant in Dallas specializing in Souffle. In a sense, we were re-living an experience from last summer, when Ashley and I met up with my parents in Paris and went to Le Souffle, a restaurant that my mom had been to when she lived in Paris over 30 years ago. So nice that it was still there. We had three courses of souffle, and while they are lovey, airy little things, we were all quite full by the end of the meal. And although Ashley said he might have had his full of souffle for the next decade or so, he was game for a more moderate souffle experience (i.e. just one course, not three!).

Afterward, Ashley surprised me with a birthday cake and candles as well as the most ginormous mylar balloon I've ever seen. The best part was the cats reaction to the balloon. Wiley couldn't be in the same room with it for about three days. My birthday wish? Can't tell...but I sure hope it counts because I think I just BARELY managed to get all the candles blown out in one breath.

The Nursery Nears Completion

With the addition of a rocking chair (that I was rocked in as a baby), a handmade afghan (courtesy of my mom), a diaper pail, a pair of rugs, and a pad for changing the diapers, we are Newbie-ready! The dresser has been stocked with the essentials (onesies, sleep sacks, and blankets), and we have our first packages of diapers in the closet, where Ashley built some storage shelves. It's really a nice room, and I've been using it for yoga as well as some relaxation exercises--building up some good ju-ju for when Newbie has moved in. You can see that Wiley approves. We also have a twin bed in the room for easy-access (read: sleep-deprived crashing) during the frequent middle-of-the-night feedings.

All that's missing is the baby!

And the Belly Goes On...

...and on. At 36 weeks, Newbie is still "way UP in Alaska" (according to my midwife) but certainly moving OUT toward other continents.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby Shower

Yesterday marked a watershed in the ongoing story of preparing for Newbie. My friend, Sarah, hosted a perfect baby shower for friends and family. And while the ladies gathered, Sarah's husband, Jack, rallied the men for some manly activities (read: Sunday morning pubcrawling).

Sarah had a gorgeous (and yummy) spread, complete with Dry Sodas, fruit, flowers, strata (dubbed "Eric Strata" after my first childhood crush), and...CAKE BALLS! The mood was made even more perfect with background music including many French favorites for the francophiles.

After a delicious ritual of "ladies who brunch," the showering began. Walker Starr, Jack and Sarah's little boy, was indeed the star, as he entertained us, helped open gifts, and gave the best impersonation of Oliver Twist as he nabbed all the blueberries ("boo") from our plates.

It was fun to share some family stories, look at baby pictures of each of the ladies, and "ooh" and "ahh" over the cutie-patootie onesies, caps, booties, etc.

And when the men came back from the Old Monk, we had just enough time for a father-daughter round of dueling bellies. I think we're neck-and-neck...